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  1. Adobe Flash Offline Installer Msi Windows 10
  2. Adobe Flash Player Msi Installer
  3. Adobe Flash Player Standalone Installer Msi
Learn about the latest offerings in Adobe Connect. This article summarizes the new features and enhancements.

Adobe Connect enables you to create state-of-the-art digital training, webinar, and collaboration experiences. For an overview of Adobe Connect, see

The sections below summarize the new features and enhancements available in the various releases of Adobe Connect.

With the HTML client, participants can seamlessly join a meeting, a virtual classroom, or a webinar in their web browser without downloading additional software. Inside the HTML client, users can view shared screens and content, interact with notes, leverage VoIP in the form of transmitting and receiving audio, and view a shared live video. Users can also participate in polls, chat, and Q&A.

Apart from the HTML client, participants can continue to join through the previously supported methods—the Adobe Connect desktop application and the Adobe Connect Flash-based browser client.

The HTML client supports the most commonly used features for attending and participating in meetings, virtual classrooms, or webinars. However, the HTML client in its current form does not contain every capability that the other Adobe Connect meeting clients possess. For more information on what is supported, see Adobe Connect Capabilities in HTML Client.

Account administrators and room owners can choose whether to enable or disable the HTML client for participants at the account or room level. For more information on how to enable these settings, see Enabling Adobe Connect HTML Client.

HTML client now supports viewing various content types shared by Hosts:

  • PowerPoint (sync and unsync modes)
  • PDF (sync and unsync modes)
  • MP4
  • MP3
  • Presenter
  • Captivate
  • Images
  • Rewritten the entire PowerPoint conversion engine to address various known PPT/PPTX conversion issues in both HTML client and Flash/Meeting application.
  • PowerPoint conversion engine now converts an uploaded PPT/PPTX file to both HTML- and Flash-friendly formats.
    • PowerPoint conversion is expected to take longer than previous versions due to dual conversion.
    • The conversion progress bar has been updated to show more information about various conversion steps.
  • PPTX files can now be directly uploaded to meetings.
  • New PDF viewer for HTML client that addresses various known issues is available.
  • Ability for Hosts to hide the playback seek bar for MP4 and MP3 content for HTML client-based participants.

Existing user content support

  • Run-time conversion for existing PowerPoint user content to HTML-friendly format supported to display in HTML client for participants.
  • New workflow in Flash client/meeting application to seek Hosts’ permission for initiating new run-time PowerPoint conversion. (Note: The conversion could take a few minutes.)
  • Information prompt for Hosts in case existing content cannot be converted into an HTML-friendly format (valid mostly for existing Presenter and Captivate non-hrybrid content).
    • If a Host chose to show such content, participants who joined in HTML Client are shown an option to switch to classic view (Browser flash client or desktop application).
  • New ‘HTML compatible’ Flag in Adobe Connect Central administration pages to let Hosts validate if the existing content can be viewed in HTML.
  • Users are shown a warning prompt when they share an already uploaded Presenter and Captivate content from unsupported versions. Supported versions are Presenter 11.0 and above, Captivate 9.0 and above.

New content support

  • A warning prompt is shown when a Host uploads an SWF-only (Flash-only) Presenter or Captivate content.
  • Hosts cannot upload any new content from unsupported versions of Presenter and Captivate while in a meeting or in Connect Central. Supported versions are Presenter 11.0 and above, Captivate 9.0 and above.
  • Improved accessibility for shared content (content in PDF, PPT can be read by screenreaders).

Added support for display of annotations done by Hosts and Presenters, to participants joined via HTML client:

  • All new and existing Whiteboard annotations are visible in HTML client.
  • All new annotations done on supported content types—PowerPoint, PDF, MP4, MP3, Presenter, and Captivate—are visible in HTML client.

Custom pods are now supported in HTML clients. However, the existing custom pods need to be converted to hybrid format (HTML and Flash) to be able to work in the HTML client. The latest SDK to build HTML-friendly custom pod is made available to existing development partners.

A new Account-level setting is added in Connect Central administration pages for HTML client under Compliance and Control to let adminstrators enable or disable custom pod in HTML client.

  • Host cursors are now visible to participants in HTML client.
  • Meeting Launch workflow changes (applicable for HTML client-enabled rooms only):
    • Option shown to all browser users joining a training, a meeting, or a webinar session to join through browser (with HTML client or with classic Flash client) or Connect desktop application meeting.

Connect meeting URL parameters

  • Various parameters can be appended to the Connect meeting URL to default the meeting client choice for the participants:
    • ?html-view = true Use to force a participant in HTML view (works only when HTML is enabled for the meeting room).
    • ?proto = true Use to force attendees (participants, hosts, presenters) to join through the Connect desktop application.
    • ?launcher = false Use to join through Flash in browsers (works only when Flash is enabled in the browser).

Changes to ‘Turn on HTML client for participants’ flag

  • At Room: If HTML is turned ON for an account
    • All new rooms will have HTML enabled by default.
    • For all existing rooms, the HTML flag state is the same, that is, if HTML was disabled, it will remain disabled and vice versa (same as the existing behavior in 10.2).
  • Hosts can also enable HTML client for participants while in a meeting session from the meeting menu option 'Manage Access & Entry'.
  • At Account: The default state of the HTML Client flag is ON for all accounts (same as the existing behavior in 10.2).
    • A new option to force-enable HTML client for all existing meeting/training/seminar rooms is available to Account administrators.
    • When the force-enable option is selected by the administrators, the HTML Client Flag in room settings is shown as uneditable with an information note displayed.

Other enhancements

  • Mobile browsers (Beta feature): Users are given an option to join through browsers or mobile app. The HTML client for mobile browsers is a beta feature.
  • HTML client users can now see all the supported keyboard shortcuts by pressing the ? key in HTML client.
  • Poll Pod: HTML users can edit already submitted answers (for Short answer polls).
  • Chat Pod: Minor UI improvements to increase the number of chat messages displayed in a smaller area.
  • The maximum length of the message that HTML participants can send to a Host while in Breakouts is now set to 1024 characters.
  • A host of fixes to known issues in HTML client.
  • Customer account administrators’ can now customize HTML meeting client also through Connect Central.
  • Both Flash and HTML client can be independently customized with different color combinations.
  • All currently supported customization options available for Flash client are also available for customization in HTML client except menu text and highlight colors.
  • Colors of various icons used in HTML client app menu bar and pod menu bar (including hover, non-hover, and default states) are also changed when foreground text colors are changed.
  • Examples added in Connect Central administration pages to showcase client customization variations.
  • Warning shown if chosen foreground and background colors in customization does not adhere to Webaim’s recommended contrast ratio for accessibility (WCAG AA for normal text).
  • New improved Search in Connect Central using HTML technologies.
  • Simplified search filters. Users can now further filter search results by categories, content types, and date range.
  • Reports Tab in Connect Central is redesigned using HTML technologies.
  • Following new reports are added:
    • All Content Usage - Shows usage statistics for all content used within a period of time.
    • Training Status and Score - Lists all trainings used within a period of time with the score and completion status of each trainee.
    • Attendance Report - Lists all attendees and the time they spent for each meeting room, virtual classroom, and Seminar room for a given date range.
    • All Cost Center Usage - Details cost center members' activity and meetings billed to the cost center for all cost centers for a given date range.
    • Peak Concurrent Users Per Day - Shows peak concurrent users per day for a given date range.
  • A new access type is now available to Hosts during room creation –“Only registered users and account members may enter the room”. This lets a Host invite all account members to the room.
  • HD Video slot – In grid mode, Hosts can now change the video feed (from live feeds) to be displayed in HD.
  • By default, the HD Video feed slot is given to only Hosts and Presenters. The first Host or Presenter to turn on the video in HD-enabled room is given the HD video slot.
  • HD video parameters optimized for better performance and quality.
  • Selecting 'Use Predefined size' in Event template components now shows the size that will be used.
  • HTML-based user management control enhanced to allow administrators to view user details and edit user group membership.
  • In chat pod, Hosts are now shown a warning message when the chat pod text is approaching the maximum retention limit to take chat backup.
  • 'Recordings Usage Report' shown in System Usage Report section in Connect Central has been deprecated. This report showed server side MP4 conversion usage, which was deprecated in 9.5 release.
  • Logo image is shown on the login page only when a custom logo has been uploaded by the account administrator.
  • Now License Agreement is not shown during Connect server installation.
  • Improved performance of 'Seminars by sessions' report.
  • Tomcat version upgraded to 9.0.19.
  • JRE version upgraded to 1.8.0_212.
  • Other smaller improvements and fixes to various known and customer-reported issues.

The HTML client includes the following changes for an improved user experience:

  • Video pod: The video displayed in the Video pod is optimized to suit the user device. Based on the display area of a particular device, the layout of the Video pod is adjusted for an improved video experience.
  • Chat pod: The Chat pod text is displayed in grey font. The system does not select any font color by default.
  • Meeting room: Participants who join a meeting using the HTML client on Firefox or Edge browsers now have the option to open the meeting room in the browser or the desktop application.
  • If participants select the Remember my choice in this browser option, the system remembers the choice for future launches from the same browser. Participants can also reset launch preferences to enable both choices to be displayed again during launch. However, this option is visible only if the cookie/preferences are set for the browser.
  • Meeting room menu bar speaker menu: Tooltips for the menu items are more descriptive. Icon states for Mute Attendees and Mute All Sounds are changed for easier differentiation.

The login screen components are streamlined to reduce load time. You can customize the login screen, if necessary.

Here is a list of changes:

  • Reduced recommended banner size for faster login screen load times
  • Customizable font color for default text in login/password text boxes
  • Customizable font color for login screen text
  • Updated logo sizes and default display
  • UI improvements to check box and text block type event registration questions.

Adobe Connect now includes an HTML-based meeting client for desktop participants. The new client provides a more responsive and accessible experience for participants who join Adobe Connect meetings, virtual classrooms, or webinars.

With the HTML client, participants can seamlessly join a meeting, virtual classroom, or webinar with their web browser. They need not download any additional software. Inside of the HTML client, users can view shared screens, interact with notes, leverage VoIP in the form of both transmitting and receiving audio, and view shared live video. Users can also participate in polls, chat, and Q&A.

In addition to being able to join via the HTML client, participants can continue to join through the previously supported methods: the Adobe Connect desktop application and the Adobe Connect Flash-based browser client.

The HTML client supports the most commonly used features for attending and participating in meetings, virtual classrooms, or webinars. However, the HTML client in its current form does not contain every capability that the other Adobe Connect meeting clients possess. For more information on what is supported, see Adobe Connect Capabilities in HTML Client.

Account administrators and room owners can choose whether to enable or disable the HTML client for participants at the account or room level. For more information on how to enable these settings, see Enabling Adobe Connect HTML Client.

A new HD (720p) option is now available when setting your video quality in Adobe Connect 10.

For more information on this feature, see Share HD video from webcam.

Adobe Connect 10 has out-of-the-box single sign-on (SSO) capabilities to link accounts with third-party SAML 2.0 based identity providers (IDP). This feature greatly improves the entrance and security workflows when accessing one’s account.

For more information on this feature, see Enabling single sign-on in Adobe Connect.

  • UI improvements to the Adobe Connect desktop application
  • The Chargebacks and Event Leads Generated pages in Adobe Connect Central have been redesigned in HTML5.
  • Option to add check box question as a type of Registration question in Event Manager
  • Option to add text block supporting some HTML elements in Registration questions in Event Manager

You can now select a connected speaker using the new Select Speaker option in the Audio Setup Wizard. The wizard is available in the Meeting menu from inside a meeting room and from the pre-meeting test page when Adobe Connect application for Windows is installed.

Select speaker when configuring audio using the wizard

When recording a meeting, if the audio is disabled, you can now easily enable it by selecting Turn On Audio Conference. Alternatively, you can record the meeting without audio by clicking Record Without Audio.

Turn on audio conference when recording without audio

Tomcat is upgraded to version 8.0.50. JRE is upgraded to version 1.8.0_162.

Adobe Connect application for desktop improvements

  • Support for optional Start Menu and Desktop shortcuts (Windows only). Users can opt to create or not create Start menu and desktop shortcuts while installing Adobe Connect application for Windows. This option is available in both Windows installer for users and MSI installer for administrators.
  • Ability to select an audio output speaker in meeting (Windows only). Users of Adobe Connect application for Windows can choose an audio output device from the meeting room. This option is not available from the Adobe Connect Flash client for browsers or in the Adobe Connect application for Mac.
  • Option to remember a user session in the Adobe Connect application for a computer. Users can choose to allow the Adobe Connect application to remember their session on a computer. While a session is active, users need not re-enter login credentials when joining a meeting from the Adobe Connect application for desktop.
  • Open a new application session using the Ctrl + N shortcut (Windows only). Users can launch a new session of the Adobe Connect application by pressing the Ctrl + N shortcut keys while using the Adobe Connect application for desktop.
  • PPT content support in the Adobe Connect application. Users can open a shared PPT content directly from the Adobe Connect application home screen by entering the content URL.
  • Users can join a meeting room by double-clicking the meeting from the Recents or the Favorites list in the Adobe Connect application for desktop.
  • Users can clear all items from the Recents and Favorites list in the Adobe Connect application for desktop.
  • The Adobe Connect application for desktop auto-populates the last-visited Adobe Connect meeting's domain URL in the home screen. Users can join a meeting by entering only the meeting room name from the Adobe Connect application home page.

For more information, see the following pages:

  • The Audio Profiles setup page in Adobe Connect Central has been redesigned in HTML5. Users can create new or edit existing audio profiles.
  • From Adobe Connect Central Home Page > My Recordings tab, users can go to recording details screen from the recording list.
  • From Adobe Connect Central Home Page, users can access the old experience, which includes the older Calendar Control, My Training, Training Catalog, My Meetings and Resources tabs.
  • From Adobe Connect Central Home Page > My Meetings tab, users can access the newly added Start date column.
  • From Adobe Connect Central Home Page > My Meetings tab, users can filter the meetings created by them through a newly added filter.
  • From Adobe Connect Central Home Page > My Recordings tab, users can access recording details from the recordings list.

For more information, see Adobe Connect Central home page.

  • AEM upgraded to version 6.2 SP1.
  • Support for the new Adobe Presenter 7 content is discontinued. An error message appears while attempting to upload content created using Adobe Presenter 7 or an earlier version.
  • Seminar room deletion also deletes the associated Event.
  • MSI installation is complete without the need to log off and re-login.
  • MeetingOne adapter upgraded.
  • JRE upgraded to version 1.8.0_152
  • Tomcat upgraded to version 8.0.47

Adobe Connect 9.7 offers an application for desktop that is available for both Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh users. Now you can easily join and manage meetings from your desktop. The Adobe Connect application is a stand-alone application that replaces the old add-in. With the new Adobe Connect application, users do not need Adobe Flash Player installed or enabled in browsers to join or conduct meetings.

The new stand-alone application is available to all users. Also, users who have Adobe Flash fully enabled in their browser, can continue to attend sessions in browsers.

Using the Adobe Connect application, users can bookmark frequently visited rooms and view the history of recent meetings. For more information, see Adobe Connect application for desktop.

Users can now run pre-meeting diagnostic tests to check if their system meets the requirements necessary to attend an Adobe Connect session without using Flash in their browsers. The test prompts users without Flash to install the new application in advance.

For users using Adobe Connect’s built-in Voice over IP (VoIP) features, the new test page has an option to pre-configure and test microphones and speakers before they join a meeting. For more information, see Adobe Connect diagnostic test.

The Adobe Connect Central home page has been redesigned using HTML5. Users can seamlessly find and manage meetings, recordings, and training catalogs without enabling Adobe Flash Player. Users can find the recordings created by them or shared with them, directly from the home page. For more information, see Adobe Connect Central home page.

Adobe Connect 9.7 includes a new MSI installer for the Adobe Connect application for desktop. Administrators can manage the enterprise-wide distribution and deployment of the Adobe Connect application using SCCM.

The MSI installer for IT administrators can be downloaded from: For more information, see Install Adobe Connect application for desktop.

The Presenter Only Area remains open when starting a Breakout session. This allows the Hosts to retain the pods available in the POA during the Breakout session. When the attendees are in breakout rooms, the Hosts can continue to work with the pods they opened in POA. See Create and manage breakout rooms for more information.

Hosts and Presenters can use the Engagement Dashboard to view participants’ attention and interactivity levels in a session. Now the Dashboard is available for Meetings without the need for Events or Training modules. See the article View meeting reports for more information.

An archive of the how-to help articles is now hosted at for on-premise customers. Administrators can download and update the local help files so their users get the latest help content.

Adobe Connect 9.6 now supports Java 8 to continue to provide a secure experience to its customers. Java 7 is no longer supported and further security patches will not be available.

Adobe Connect 9.5 comes out with a new, refreshing logo that replaces the existing logo. It is the first thing you notice when logging in to Adobe Connect.

Adobe Connect 9.5 onwards, the conversion to MP4 format happens directly on the user's machine and there is no server-side queuing. You can control the quality and the size of the final output file using the available settings.

Options to convert a recording to offline MP4 format.

The actual resolution of the output MP4 file depends on the screen size and the supported resolution of the machine used to create the offline recording.

See Record and playback Adobe Connect meetings for more information.

The Filmstrip mode is enhanced to ensure a better webcam video experience inside Adobe Connect. Filmstrip mode is especially useful when many users share their feed and the active speaker is in the focus. Adobe Connect 9.5 onwards, the Video Pod better recognizes the visible feeds and automatically pauses the feeds not visible to a user. This change translates in to lesser bandwidth and processing power requirements improving the overall quality of the meeting experience. When the user shuffles the feeds and brings in view the previously hidden and paused streams, Adobe Connect 9.5 automatically starts playing the now visible feeds.

The meeting connection status icon, found in the upper-right corner of a meeting room is redesigned () to indicate the quality of the available network connection. It depicts the meeting room connectivity status.

See Adobe Connect meeting room basics for more information.

Virtual Classroom users can now share the HTML content created using Adobe Captivate and Adobe Presenter as long as they use the add-in. The user experience to share content remains at par with other content types in the Share Pod, as this content type supports syncing, quizzes, and recording, and the supported reporting capabilities.

A few requirements to use this functionality are:

  • Adobe Connect 9.5 supports the HTML content published via Adobe Captivate 9 or later and Adobe Presenter 11 or later.
  • The HTML content is supported only in Virtual Classrooms.
  • The Presenter sharing HTML content in a VC and the attendees consuming HTML content in a VC must install the Adobe Connect add-in only once.

To use HTML content in a VC, all attendees are required to upgrade to the latest add-in. Adobe Connect prompts users to download the add-in when HTML content is shared.

Notifier to Hosts and Presenters when sharing HTML content in a VC


To avoid a prompt in the middle of a VC session, pre-install the new add-in.

The Adobe Connect notifier prompts the Host or the Presenter sharing HTML content, to check if all users in the classroom are ready to view the shared HTML content. Users who cannot view the shared HTML content are marked in the Attendee Pod with icon against their name. The components required to display the shared HTML content automatically downloads. Participants are able to view the shared HTML content in some time. The automatic download of the required components is a one-time activity that happens without any intervention required by the user. Similarly, Adobe Connect automatically downloads the required components when a user attempts to view, for the first time, a VC recording with HTML content shared in it.

The Virtual Classroom email notification now includes instructions and the add-in download link for attendees to prepare for the session in advance. You can modify these email notifications and the instructions as required.

See About Adobe Connect courses and curricula for training for more information.

Adobe Connect 9.5 offers two new reports that allow Administrators to understand the usage of their Adobe Connect accounts. These reports are part of the System Usage reports in the Reports tab. You can download either report in CSV format for further analysis.

The Meeting Sessions Usage report provides a summary of Meeting, Seminar, or Virtual Classroom sessions that happened over a user-defined period and provides start and end time, duration, session type, total and peak participants, and so on.

The Meeting Usage report provides a summary of meeting activity over a period. For each date, it provides Peak Concurrent Meeting users and Total User Minutes.

See Generate usage reports in Adobe Connect Central for more information.

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