Itextsharp Convert Pdf To Image

How to programmatically convert a PDF to an Image by xarzu December 5, 2013 11:15 PM PST. The discussion thread here asks how to convert a PDF to an image. You can convert PDF to image using. ITextSharp supports all the main image types: jpg, tif, gif, bmp, png and wmf. There are a number of ways to create images with iTextSharp using the Image.GetInstance method. Probably the most used option will be to pass a filesystem path and file name into the method.

  1. Itextsharp Add Image To Pdf
  2. Itextsharp Convert Pdf To Image Word
  3. Itextsharp Convert Image To Pdf From Stream
Active2 months ago

I need to convert PDF files to Images. If the PDF is Multi-page,I just need one image that contains all of the PDF pages.

Are there any open source solutions which are not charged like the Acrobat product?

17.5k5 gold badges51 silver badges70 bronze badges

7 Answers

The following thread is suitable for your request.converting pdf file to an jpeg image

One solution is to use a third party library. ImageMagick is a very popular, freely available too. You can get a .NET wrapper for it here. The original ImageMagick download page is here.

  • Convert PDF pages to image files using the Solid Framework (dead link, the deleted document is available on Internet Archive)
  • Universal Document Converter
  • 6 Ways To Convert A PDF To A JPG Image

And you also can take a look at this thread:how to open a page from a pdf file in pictureBox in C#

If you use this process to convert a PDF to tiff, you can use this class to retrieve the bitmap from tiff.

Use it like so:

Gaurav DeochakkeGaurav Deochakke
1,8871 gold badge15 silver badges24 bronze badges

You can use Ghostscript to convert PDF to images.

To use Ghostscript from .NET you can take a look at Ghostscript.NET library (managed wrapper around the Ghostscript library).

To produce image from the PDF by using Ghostscript.NET, take a look at RasterizerSample.

To combine multiple images into the single image, check out this sample:


Itextsharp Add Image To Pdf

8,0412 gold badges30 silver badges53 bronze badges

As for 2018 still no simple answer on the question how to convert PDF to image in C#; many libs use GhostScript licensed under AGPL and in most cases expensive commercial license is required for production use.

Good alternative might be using poppler 'pdftoppm' utility which has GPL license; it can be used from C# as command line tool executed with System.Diagnostics.Process. Poppler tools are well known in Linux world, but windows build is also available.

If you don't want to integrate pdftoppm by yourself you can use my PdfRenderer poppler wrapper (supports both classic .NET Framework and .NET Core) - it is not free but pricing is very affordable.

Vitaliy FedorchenkoVitaliy Fedorchenko
5,0942 gold badges26 silver badges29 bronze badges

The PDF engine used in Google Chrome, called PDFium, is open source under the 'BSD 3-clause' license. I believe this allows redistribution when used in a commercial product.

There is a .NET wrapper for it called PdfiumViewer (nuget) which works well to the extent I have tried it. It is under the Apache license which also allows redistribution.

(Note that this is NOT the same 'wrapper' as which requires a commercial license).

(There is one other PDFium .NET wrapper, PDFiumSharp, but I have not evaluated it.)

IMO so far, this may be the best choice of open-source (free as in beer) PDF libraries to do the job which do NOT put restrictions on the closed-source / commercial nature of the software utilizing them. I don't think anything else in the answers here satisfy that criteria, to the best of my knowledge.

4,4364 gold badges23 silver badges46 bronze badges

This nuget package:

is available for free and is only protected by the MIT license, which is very open.

I've tested around a bit and this is the code to get it to convert a pdf to an image. (It does save the image in the debug folder).

4,4364 gold badges23 silver badges46 bronze badges
Melvin WinthagenMelvin Winthagen

Use tanPDF. It's accurate, and a fraction of the price of Ghostscript for commercial use. And of ImageMagick too, since that requires Ghostscript.

tanPDF uses Skia, so if you would like one image containing all pages, draw each page's SKImage onto an SKCanvas.

Disclaimer: I'm the author.

4511 gold badge14 silver badges32 bronze badges

(Disclaimer I worked on this component at Software Siglo XXI)

Select Save or Save as to download the program. Then download the Microsoft PowerPoint installation file from the trusted link like on above of this page. Microsoft PowerPoint FAQQ: What is Microsoft PowerPoint app?A: If you wanna knowing more about this app please visit the Microsoft PowerPoint Official Site on aboveQ: Is Microsoft PowerPoint Totally free? How much does it price to download?A: Absolutely nothing! Download this app from official websites at no cost by this Portal Website. Microsoft powerpoint free download windows 10.

You could use Super Pdf2Image Converter to generate a TIFF multi-page file with all the rendered pages from the PDF in high resolution. It's available for both 32 and 64 bit and is very cheap and effective. I'd recommend you to try it.

Just one line of code..

You can take a look here:

M. CotaM. Cota

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Active2 years, 4 months ago



Getting an error here: catch (Exception ce) //getting error here.. Parameter is invalid.

How can I resolve it so the files are taken from the tbFolder folder and saved as one PDF to the tbDestination folder.


Itextsharp Convert Pdf To Image Word

Itextsharp Convert Pdf To ImageSearchForKnowledge
2,0534 gold badges30 silver badges80 bronze badges

2 Answers

First of all in your case the mergeTiff method should have a Document property, where you pass in the document you create once, because right at the moment you are creating several documents where each document contains all tiffs - at least the are all saved in result2.pdf.

Just to get you started (didn't test it and it clearly should be further optimized)..

Peter SchneiderPeter Schneider

Itextsharp Convert Image To Pdf From Stream

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