Level 2 Drivers License

What is the (Level 1 License), (Level 2 License) and (Level 3 License)?

The three licensing levels in GDL are: a supervised learner’s license (Level 1 License), an intermediate license that limits unsupervised nighttime driving (Level 2 License), and a full-privilege driver license (Level 3 License) issued after a teen driver has successfully completed all previous instructional and driving requirements. Note: Level 1 Learner’s License requires a licensed parent / guardian or designated adult age 21 or older to practice with the student.

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Restrictions apply to the driver holding a limited provisional license. These restrictions are that the driver: Must have the license in the driver's possession. May drive without a supervising driver when driving to and from work. May drive without a supervising driver when driving to and from an activity of a volunteer fire department. The log must be signed by a supervising driver and turned in to DMV upon application for the Level 2 driver license. A supervising driver must be a parent, grandparent, or guardian of the permit holder or a responsible person approved by the parent or guardian, and must be a licensed driver who has been licensed for at least five years. DATE TIME OF DAY TIME OF NIGHT AMOUNT OF DRIVING TIME (E.G. # HOURS) SUPERVISING DRIVER’S PRINTED NAME SUPERVISING. Level 2: State of Michigan Intermediate License. After passing the driving skills test the teen driver may be eligible for a Level 2 Intermediate License. Teen drivers must have completed Segment 1 and Segment 2 of Driver Education and be a minimum of 16 years of age to receive a Michigan Level 2 Intermediate license. Driving Log to Advance to N.C. Level 2 Driver License: DL-4B Driving Log to Advance to N.C. Level 3 Driver License. The three licensing levels in GDL are: a supervised learner’s license (Level 1 License), an intermediate license that limits unsupervised nighttime driving (Level 2 License), and a full-privilege driver license (Level 3 License) issued after a teen driver has successfully completed all previous instructional and driving requirements.

Update: A driving log must be submitted at Segment 2 driver education
and before taking the driving skills test.

Driver's License Sc

A teen's first year behind the wheel is critical

That's why Michigan - and other states across the country - have adopted Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) laws for teen drivers.

Facts about teen drivers:

Class 3 driver
  • Teens face the greatest risk of crashing during their first year of driving. One out of every five licensed 16-year-olds will be in a vehicle crash.
  • Crashes are the leading cause of death for teens across the United States.
  • Teen drivers have less experience on the road than older drivers and often don't understand the risks of driving as well.
  • The human brain doesn't fully develop until an individual is in his or her 20s. The brain functions that affect judgment and risk-taking are among the last to mature.

GDL is a driver licensing system designed to teach teens to drive by gradually increasing their driving privileges as they advance through the system. GDL consists of two segments of driver education instruction and three licensing levels.

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The three licensing levels in GDL are: a supervised learner's license (Level 1 License), an intermediate license that limits passengers and unsupervised nighttime driving (Level 2 License), and a full-privilege driver's license (Level 3 License) issued after a teen driver has successfully completed all previous instruction and driving requirements.

Level 1 Driver's License Michigan

GDL license levels 1 and 2 have certain restrictions to limit teens' driving exposure to high-risk situations and help protect them while they are learning to drive. Free download mp3.

The GDL Timeline shows how graduated driver licensing and driver education are intertwined. The Michigan's Graduated Driver Licensing: A Guide for Parents contains valuable information on graduated driver licensing, driver education, coaching tips for parents and more. Parents and teens are encouraged to read this publication.